Levico Acque’s business model is based on the values at the heart of the Franzoni family – Margherita, Marili and Mauro, who play guiding and monitoring roles, supported, where necessary, by consultants and/or professionals – which has always believed that development of in-house professional expertise is the best resource to cultivate in order to make the Company an independent organism with capacity for prestige and operational continuity even without the constant presence of the owners.
Vision, mission, values
This model is based on the following Values:
Consistency of actions
Acting consistently and resolutely, putting plans into practice, demonstrating determination in achievement of objectives and in practical commitment, and promoting and protecting our values even when this comes at a cost at company and personal level.
Cultivation of genuine relationships
Both internally and externally, involving those who work with the Company. Working as a team to achieve economic and other targets. Communicating honestly and clearly with stakeholders in accordance with the principles of truth and transparency.
Actions expressing respect for values, people, the environment, raw materials, resources and everything that contributes to creating the product.
Equity and equilibrium
Operating in a fair and balanced way, taking care of the environment, the community and the common good.
Levico Acque, through its water and its market offering, wishes to send a clear message, mobilising the positive energy of those who believe that more responsible lifestyles and choices are the only way to save our planet. And ourselves.
These sound values give provide the foundations for our Vision: to become a landmark and a virtuous business model which, by taking care of the environment and the community we live in, sustains itself and the world. To be champions of change and players in a regenerative economy capable of leaving a positive and lasting mark by creating not only economic value but also social and environmental value.
Massimo Folador of Askesis interviewing Mauro Franzoni, Chairman of Levico Acque Srl BC, April 2020
Our Manifesto

To become a landmark
and a virtuous business model which,
by taking care of the environment
and the community we live in,
sustains itself and the world.
To be champions of change and players
in a regenerative economy capable
of leaving a positive and lasting mark
by creating not only economic value
but also social and environmental value.

Benefit Corporation
Benefit Corporation is the legal status introduced by Italian Law no. 208 of 28 December 2015 (the 2016 Stability Law), sole article, paragraphs 376 to 386, which is inspired by the American and international experience of Benefit Corporations and B-Corps and outlines the characteristics of this type of company within the Italian civil system.
Benefit Corporations (BCs) represent an evolution in the very concept of a business. Indeed, while traditional companies exist for the sole purpose of distributing dividends to shareholders, Benefit Corporations express a more advanced paradigm: their business purpose includes not only profit but also having a positive impact on society and the biosphere. A Benefit Corporation is a new business model which provides a solid basis for achieving a company’s vision and creating value, by generating impact.
Levico Acquebecame a Benefit Corporation in October 2020 and therefore pursues specific common interest goals:
- to preserve the raw material water as an essential element for life, high-quality nutrition, health and mental and physical well-being;
- toreduce environmental impactand continue to be a company with a positive environmental footprint by improving production process efficiency, using sustainable materials and resources, and investing in expertise and technology;
- to create a positive working environmentin which co-workers’ well-being, professional development and job satisfaction are key and tangible elements;
- topromote a new social role for the business as a player actively contributing to the development and well-being of the community in which it operates, in the knowledge that relationships are one of the Company’s core values and must therefore be cultivated with all stakeholders;
- todevelop virtuous production models based on genuine, transparent, honest relationships oriented towards shared value creation;
- to become an organisation that innovates, inspires and contributes to the development of regenerative economic models, also by listening to its stakeholders.
The common interest goals described above aim to create value, both economic and otherwise, to be given back to the local area that home to the Company, ensuring rewarding business relationships with its employees and partners, promoting the development and well-being of the local communities and minimising the environmental impact of its processes.
Our commitment is to make our business performance and impact measurement converge, for the next reporting cycle, in a single reporting tool, which today expresses this result:
Integrated Report 2020
This first edition of our Integrated Report examines the actions we at Levico take to create value, the objectives we have set ourselves and the strategies we have implemented to ensure that the process of value creation continues over time, also identifying the organisation’s most significant achievements in terms of creating value.
The Report identifies the moment when we decided to become a Benefit Corporation and officially players in a regenerative economy in which we work at the forefront as champions of change.
This means taking concrete actions affirming our vision through which we are committed to becoming a landmark for those who believe in the urgent need to care for the environment and communities.
All this was made possible by an extraordinary team which has always believed
in and embraced our company values, generating the cultural change that is essential in order to make the values we believe in a lasting reality. The genuine relationships, based on respect, equity and equilibrium, with which we interact with all our stakeholders have also played a key role.
This first Report is a starting point which will enable us to keep improving, as it will serve to remind us of where we were today.
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics sets out all the Company’s duties and ethical responsibilities in conducting its business affairs and its corporate activities in general. Its purpose is to reduce the risks arising from conducting corporate activities. A code of ethics is necessary since unethical behaviour compromises the relationship of trust between a company and its co-workers, its stakeholders and the components of its value chain, promoting hostile attitudes towards the company and behaviour that would jeopardise the integrity of the organisation itself.
The core values to which our Code of Ethics refers may be summarised as follows:
For people, institutions and the environment. In our work, it translates into respect for company standards, regulations and resources that support the common good.
Honesty, transparency and legality
Compliance with the regulatory requirements that govern the running of corporate activities forms the essential basis for the business.
Environmental responsibility
The Company pays the utmost attention to environmental issues, aiming, indeed, to achieve maximum sustainability in its activities and a positive environmental impact.
Meritocracy and equity
Levico Acque recognises the fundamental importance of the human resources operating within it and promotes professional and individual growth, always rewarding commitment, perseverance and dedication.
Safety and prevention
The Company is constantly and directly committed to ensuring the maximum safety of its working environments in order to safeguard its employees and any external parties accessing them for any reason.